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If you go to the party, youll have a great time!SectionB2021/8/21Free talk If you win five million yuan, what will you do? Name PlansI S1 S2 S3 I will buy a big house for my parents.2021/8/22Whatwillyoudoifyougetalotofmoney?IfImakealotofmoney,Iwilltravel around the world2021/8/23Money isnt everything.2021/8/24Which of the things below are the most important to you in life?be happy go to collegebe famous travel around the worldmake a lot of money get an educationagent(代理人代理人)周游世界周游世界赚钱赚钱接受教育接受教育2021/8/25 be happy travel around the world go to college make a lot of money be famous get an educationPPAAPPConversation 1Conversation 2AP2021/8/261. If you join the Lions, .2. If you become a Lion, .3. And if you work really hard, .4. If you become a professional soccer player, .5. But if I dont do this now, .ceadba.youll be famous b. Ill never do it. c. youll become a great soccer player. d. youll never go to college e. youll travel around the world Conversation 1Conversation 22021/8/272c PAIRWORKA: I think you should go to college.B: But if I go to college, Ill never become a great soccer player.2021/8/28professional athletes专业运动员专业运动员2021/8/29If you become an professional athlete,you willIf you become a professional athlete, you will be famous and people all over the world will know you .2021/8/210If you are famous, what will happen?If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.2021/8/211Sometimes they will be very dangerous and get injured.受伤受伤2021/8/212What can you do ?We can donate money to help people.捐献捐献2021/8/213Task 1. Listening and understanding Say T or F. 1. Many young people think becoming a professional athlete is a dream job.2.If you become famous, people all over the world will know you.3.Many athletes like to do a lot of work to help others.4. Professional athletes never have any problems.5. Many famous people complain that they are not happy.TTTTF2021/8/214Section B 3a.1.What seems like a dream job for many young people?2. What will happen if you become a famous professional athlete?3.What problems do the famous athlete usually have? Are they happy? Do a fast reading and find out the answers to the following questions.2021/8/215If I become an athlete , will I be happy? For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, youll be able to make a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world will know you. Many athletes give money to schools and charities, and do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.2021/8/216However, professional athletes can also have many problems. People will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life difficult. If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were happier before they become rich and famous.2021/8/217Task 2. Reading1.Reasons for becoming a professional athlete. *You can make a lot of money. _ _ _ _2. Reasons against becoming a professional athlete. *It is very dangerous. _ _ _ *You can do something that you love. *You can become famous. *People all over the world will know you. *You can give money to schools and charities.*People will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. *You dont know who your real friends are.2021/8/218 Formanyyoungpeople,_aprofessionalathletemight_adreamjob.Ifyoubecomeaprofessionalathlete,youllbeableto_doingsomethingyoulove.Ifyou_,peopleallovertheworldwillknowyou.Manyathletesgivemoneytoschoolsand_,anddoalotofworkto_.Thisis_thatmanypeopledonothave._,professionalathletescanalsohavemany_.Ifyouare_,peoplewillwatchyou_andfollowyou_.Thiscan_life_.Ifyou_foraliving,yourjobwillsometimesbevery_.Manyprofessionalathletes_.Andifyou_,youwillhaveadifficulttimeknowingwhoyourrealfriendsare._,manyfamouspeoplecomplainthattheyarenothappy.Theysaytheywere_beforethey_.Read the passage and fill in the blanks._Ibecomeanathlete,_Ibehappy?Ifwillbecoming seem like make a livingbecome famouscharities help people a great chanceHoweverproblemsfamous all the timeeverywhere makedifficultplay sportsdangerousget injuredbecome richIn facthappierbecame rich and famous2021/8/219Groupwork: Story-tellingS1: I think Im going to go to the movies tonight.S2: If I go to the movies, I wont finish my homework.S3: If I dont finish my homework S4: 2021/8/220If I dont finish my homework, I wont do well in my test.If I dont do well in my test, my parents will be mad.If my parents are mad ,they wont let me borrow the car.If I cant borrow the car, Ill have to stay at home on Saturday night.If I stay at home on Saturday night, Ill be sad.2021/8/221Task 4. Writing. Dear Mr. Brown,I have decided that I ( will/wont)_join the Lions. If I join the team, I will have to travel a lot. But I dont want to be so tired. And if I join the team, I will be watched and followed everywhere. Sincerely, Michael3b professional athlete,make money ,become famous/rich,go to college ,travel all over the world, make a living,get injured, 2021/8/2223cWrite about your own plans using sentences with if and will.Example 1: Maybe I will become a teacher.If I become a teacher,I will work with children.I love children,so I will be happy.I will also be able to work outside sometimes.But I wont be famous.Example 2. Maybe Ill be a lawyer. If become a lawyer,I will be able to help people.But I wont be able to work outside and I wont be able to work with children.I think I will nt be a teacher. Homework: Maybe I will become a singer/writer/driver,astronaut,policeman, doctor2021/8/223Self CheckFill in the blanks with the words given. spend remember let organize take away1. I forgot your address. I cant how to get to your house ?2 .If I dont clean my room, my mother wont_ me meet my friends.3. The teacher_ my mobile phone because I used it in class.4. Im going to _time with my grandparents this vacation.5 .Can you_ the games for the class party?rememberlettookawayspendorganize2021/8/224Complete the sentences using your own ideas.IfIgetuplatetomorrow,_.IfIdontfinishmyhomework,_.IfIeattoomuchlunch,_.IfIdontgetenoughexercise,_.IfIamagoodcook,_.IfIwatchtoomuchTV,_.IfIdonthelpothers,_.2021/8/225用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1.Im sure if he _(go) to the party, he_ (have) a great time.2.If the rain _(stop) tonight, we will go to the cinema.3.Ill buy a computer if I _(have) enough money.4.You _(not get) nervous if you _(do ) enough exercise.5.If she _ (be) kind to me , I _(not argue) with her.6.I want to know if he _(come) tomorrow, if he _(come), I _(give) the massage to him. 7.If you _(pay) more attention to that, he _ (not get) injured.goes will have stopshave wont getdo iswont argue comes comes will give pay wont get2021/8/2268.Mr Li will be mad if we _(break) the rules.9. If it _ (be) cloudy, they _(not go) there by air.10. Please let us know if he _(arrive) tomorrow. Please let us know if he _ (arrive) tomorrow. 11.Shall I say “Hello” when the foreigner _(come) into the classroom?12.Hell get better grades if he _ (study )hard.13. if you work really hard, you _ (be) famous and rich.break is wont go will arrive arrives请告诉我们他明天是否会来。如果他明天来的话请告诉我们。 comesstudieswill be2021/8/227部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!
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