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教学设计 课型听说课课题Unit 3 My SchoolSection A (1a-1d) 时间 年级七年级科目 英语课时1授课人课标关于本单元的教学要求主题: 本单元围绕 “学校” 这一主题展开。该主题与课标要求的“人与自我”主题中的 “多彩、安全、有意义的学校生活” 子主题密切相关。在本单元中,学生将理解并应用有关 “there be” 的句型结构、where引导的特殊疑问句以及回答和方位介词短语。首先,学生学习有关学校建筑、教室设备设施等名词,巩固表示空间关系的系列介词短语的意义和用法。其次,学生将学习如何运用描述性形容词修饰名词,来介绍校容校貌、学习生活等。本单元主要帮助学生认识和熟悉新校园,让学生通过观察和描述学校,引导他们爱校爱班,努力营造良好的学习氛围。课标、教参关于本课中的要求及建议要求:1. 正确识别并读出两组元音音素o:/,/p/,/u:/,/u和含有以上四个音素的常见单元音词汇,根据所给的重音符号,识别并正确读出三音节单词的重音,做到举一反三。2. 通过听力练习准确、全面获取三段小对话中有关建筑位置的细节信息。3. 学生初步掌握there be句型的用法,结合语境正确there be句式介绍建筑物的具体位置。建议:学生灵活使用对话中的句型,询问并回答学校设施位置的基本信息。本课教学目标1.学习理解: 能够感知学习一些描述校园内不同场所的英文名称;学习一些常用的方位介词和短语;初步感知使用 there be句型。 2.应用实践: 能够结合图片,用所学的方位介词以及there be句式描述图中学校建筑的位置。 3.迁移创新: 能够以小组为活动单位绘制本校的地图,并用所学的方位介词以及there be 句式介绍本校。语言运用正确、得体。教学重难点重点: 校园内不同场所的英文名称、常用的方位介词和短语以及there be句型。难点: 正确使用 there be 的单复数和对于 there be句型的肯否回答。教学方法任务型教学法和情境教学法相结合。学习方法课前预习、听说结合和俩俩对话的方法教学准备教师:录音机、书本、多媒体课件、黑板学生:课前预习教学过程设计意图Step 1. Lead-inShow the goals of this unit and make sure ss can understand them. Then, let ss observe the picture and answer the questions:1. What is this place in the photo?2. What are the people doing on the sports field?3. What do you like to do at school?Step 2. Pre-listening(1) Watch the video about a school. Ss look at the pictures and learn to say the places in a school.Sa: There is a/an in my school. (2) Create the situation of asking for and giving directions:Today is the Campus Open Day. Welcome to our school and have a look. The teacher shows the map of a school to the ss. They should work in pair by using these sentence patterns:A: Wheres the dining hall?B: Its in front of the art building.Step 3. While-listening(1) Listen to three conversations and number the places in the order you hear them.(2) Listen again and complete the sentences. The teacher will let ss pay attention to positional phrases and building names.1. The classroom building is behind the sports field.2. The teachers building is across from the school hall.3. The student center is between the library and the gym.(3) Listen and fill in the blanks and learn how to describe the specific location of buildings. Then, ss have a conclusion about the key sentences. Start the conversation politely: Can I help you?Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to ?Ask for and give positions:Im looking for Where is/ are ? Its in front of/ next to/ across from Is/ Are there ? Yes, there is/ are. No, there isnt/ arent. Step 4. Post-listening Pair WorkSs draw a map of our school and introduce the positions of places in school to their group members by using these sentence patterns:A: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to ?B: Of course. Its behind/ between A: Where is the ?B: Its A: Is there a/an in this school?B: Yes, there is. No, there isnt. Its Step 5. Moral EducationSchool is a place that you will miss in the future. You can get knowledge here, make friends here, have colorful life here. Please love and protect it.Step 6. Pronunciation First, listen to the recording and repeat the sounds and words. Classify the sounds and words according to their pronunciation.Next, listen and underline the syllables. Then mark out the stressed syllables.Last, say and clap. Notice the stressed syllables.Step 6. SummaryWith Ts help, ss summarize what theyve learned from this lesson.Step 7. Homework1. Recite the words of the school places and the preposition of position.2. Practice /o:/ /o/ /u:/ /u/.3. Draw your school map and make three dialogues about the positions of school places.通过呈现具有导向性的单元目标,以终为始,形成学习期待,提高学生的学习积极性。听前学生学习建筑物名称和常见的方位介词短语,为他们的听前活动做好铺垫。通过听音排序、听力填空等多种类型的听力活动,帮助学生整体感知对话内容,培养学生准确获取和记录关键信息的能力。学生和同伴练习对话,谈论学校建筑物的具体位置,进一步内化和运用重点句型。通过观察、朗读,感知元音字母和组合在单词中发音,帮助学生探索、发现发/o:/,/p/,/u:/,/u的常见词汇的发音规律,并运用规律去拼读单词,学以致用。板书设计Unit 3 My SchoolSection A (1a-1d)教后反思学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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