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高中英语高中英语第一套一、结构化1.李老师提问学生问题,学生无法回答,其他学生哄笑这个学生为傻子,你怎么办?【答题思路】本题考察的是应急应变类题目,可以参照分析情况、确定任务、解决问题、总结提高四步答题。分 析 情 况。学生回答不出问题是正常现象,不应该被哄笑为傻子确 定 任 务。管理纪律,保持安静,正常上课答题思路课上:引导学生得出问题的答案,如不能,请其他同学回答,保护学生的自尊心解 决 问 题C、里 户 C单独找这位同学了解原因.找到在课堂上哄笑的学生了解情况组织一次以 尊重他人 为主题的班会总 结 提 升。我相信,通过这些做法.【参考答案】课堂上学生回答不出问题也是正常现象,但对于出现其他学生哄笑这个学生为傻子,我们就要加以重视了,对于此类情况,我会做如下处理:首先,我会先让班里的同学安静下来,运用启发性教学原则,启发该生思考,引导他得出问题的答案。若该生在我的启发下仍没有得出问题的答案,我会让他先坐下,并对他说“你是不是还没有想好该怎么说,我们来看看其他同学是怎么想的,好不好”,从而保护学生的自尊心和积极性,并对该生积极表现的精神给予鼓励。其次,课后,我会单独找他了解原因,如果是因为知道答案但不知道怎么表达,我会帮助他锻炼语言表达能力;如果是看别人举手他也举手,或者举手是为了得到老师的关注,那么我会告诉他老师提问只是为了检查学生听明白了没有,不举手不代表学生没有学好。为了保护学生的自尊心,我会和他约定,会的问题举右手,不会的问题举左手,这样老师就知道他有没有听懂。既保护了学生的自尊心,又有效地解决了问题,同时还能够及时检查自己的授课效果。再次,我会找到在课堂上哄笑的学生了解情况,询问他们为什么说出这样的话,如果是回答不出问题的学生平时与他们的相处不太融洽,那么在以后的日常教学工作中,我会加以注意,可以通过成立学习、生活小组的方式,促进学生彼此之间的了解。后期我会组织一次以“尊重他人”为主题的班会,促进班级内的人际关系和谐以及学生的全面进步。我相信,通过这些做法,我的班级当中不会再出现不尊重学生的情况,同时,学生上课回答不出问题的情况也会逐渐减少,保证学生的学习效果。高中英语2.你最尊重的教育家是谁?【答题思路】本题考察的是自我认知类题目,主要考查考生对于岗位以及自身的认知,可以结合自身情况展开论述。提出观点喜欢的教育家有很多,其中最崇拜的教育家是素有英语教育界泰斗之称的张道真答题思路高尚的人格魅力具体分析 C 科学.实用的英语教学方法-严谨治学的思想前施性总结提升如何学习,力争做一名优秀合格的人民教师【参考答案】生活中,存在着很多的榜样值得我们去学习,在他们身上有独特的品质值得我们去继承。在我们求学之路上,也会遇到许多著名的教育家。我喜欢的教育家有很多,其中最崇拜的教育家是素有英语教育界泰斗之称的一一张道真。我之所以崇拜他,原因有一下三点:第一,高尚的人格魅力。76岁高龄的张道真教授,在国内外英语教育界享有盛誉。他把毕生都献身于教育并研究教育,他带领着我们走着英语教育改革的每一个步伐。第二,科学、实用的英语教学方法。他提出了一系列的方法来改变这种状态。而这些行之有效的方法被广泛应用到实际教学中。第三,严谨治学的思想前瞻性。张教授提倡考试要改革,听说与读写,二者并举,甚至听说占有更重要的地位。思想深邃的张道真教授,以其独特的人格魅力,科学的工作态度,严谨的治学思想,征服了我。因此,我将张道真教授当作是我的榜样,我要秉承他老人家的思想和态度,在未来的教学之路上,默默奋斗,勇敢向前,力争做一名优秀合格的人民教师。高中英语二、试讲L 题目:so crowded that,spend something doing 语法课2.内容:4 G ty an d C o u n trySKILLS FOCUSReadingBefore you s ta rtL AnSWer these questions to prepare yourselfUse the Key Words below to help you.1 HO,are city and country lifestyles differentin Oi?2 Can you imagine city and countrylifestyles in Britain?QEZQQHHoffice,fam.underground,walk,rrowded,;arequiet,noisy.READING STRATEGIES:Prediction Before you read a text,took at thetitle,photographs and drawings.Read the first two or three Lines ofthe text.Iry to guess what the text is goingto be about2 Guess what the two articles arc aboutRead to learn3 Now read the texts quickly and check yourguesses.Debbie is an accountant in a large com pany in thecentre o f London.4 Read and fill in the table with informationabout Debbie and PaUrS lives.Add informationabout your own life and compare.I need to be in my office by nine oclock so I 1usually get up at seven oclock.I travel to work onthe tube.Thafs what people call theunderground In London.It takes about fiftyminutes.Usually,its so crowded that I cant find 5anywhere to sit.I just stand.m always tiredbefore I arrive at work.I dont like theunderground)I spend all morning checking numbers.Lunch isalways simple.I often get a sandwich In a nearby iosandwich shop or I just have some biscuits and acup of coffee.Then in the afternoon,I return to thepaperwork in the office.On Monday nights,I have dance classes,and onWednesday nights,I go to the gym.I need to do 15that because I dont get enough exerciseotherwise.On Tuesday and Thursday nights.Ihave French classes.I work for a French companyso I think studying French will help me in my job.I go to the cinema almost every weekend.20Sometimes,if the weather forecast is good,myfriends and I drive to the countryside for aweekend break.We like to visit nice,quiet placesfar away from the city and go walking where thereare no shops,crowds or the tube.That Fresh air is 25so good for my lungs.I love it.3.基本要求:(1)试讲10分钟;(2)朗读文章;(3)讲解语法点 so crowded that,spend something doing 并进行句型操练。高中英语【试题解析一教案】Teaching objectives:1.Students can understand the basic meaning of so crowded that and spend something doingand learn to use the structure correctly.2.Students can use the so crowded that and spend something doing to talk about the reasituation in daily life.3.Foster students interests of learning English.Key points:Students can use so crowded that and spend something doing correctly.DifflCillt points:Foster students,interests of learning English.Teaching Procedure:I.Lead-in1.Greeting.2.Ask students:where did you spend your summer vacation?Can you describe your life there?3.Show students some pictures of countries and cities and ask students:what life do you thinkpeople are living?When you talk about the city life or country life,what comes to your mind?Pleasedescribe what you see and your feeling when you see these pictures.Presentation1 .Teacher reads the passage and asks students listen carefully,and then answer the questionwhich sentences you think are the important patterns.Students may answer:(1)Usually,it,s so crowded that I can,t find anywhere to sit.(2)HoMmuch time do you spend watching TV every day?2.Ask students the meaning of the first sentence and explain so.that“sentence pattern.3.Ask students the meaning of the second sentence and summarize the usage Of“spend”.IIL PracticeTeacher asks students to practice the two sentences with their partner.One read them one timethen the other one read them again.What,s more,please make a
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