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2024-2025年度河南省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识模拟预测参考题库及答案一单选题(共80题)1、资料:THOMAS WILSONA.updateB.fixC.innovateD.furnish【答案】 B2、如果收入分配不均等,洛伦茨曲线会()。A.越直B.越弯曲C.越小D.越长【答案】 B3、The boy( )when he said that he ( )the eggs( )by the hen in the closet before he( )down to have a rest。A.was lying,had laid,laid,layB.had laid,lay,laid,was lyingC.lay,was lying,lain, layD.laid,lay,lain,lies【答案】 A4、There are several_between our new photocopier and our old one: these include an advanced colour facility and a multitask option.A.similarB.similarlyC.similar toD.similarities【答案】 D5、资料:The business announced that revenues had grown by 10.2 percent year-on-year to RMB 18.264 billion ($2.748billion). However, profit fell to RMB 2.866 billion ($431.3 billion), a 17.4 percent decrease from the same period in 2015.A.Baidu has gained more popularity this yearB.Baidu has invested in an experiment on cancerC.Baidu is expected to undergo a big changeD.Baidu has conducted several high-profile advertising campaigns this year【答案】 C6、Contrary ( ) the popular opinion, higher taxes end up benefiting the citizens more than lower ones.A.forB.inC.toD.with【答案】 C7、资料:The daily changes of the market can lead investors astray.The ups and downs make the tendency to look at the portfolio,s performance frequently too temping.This means investers are likely to perceive mere risk,forgetting about their key term goals.A.Most investors log into their trading accounts every dayB.The investors who seldom check daily changes may get more returnsC.The potential gain and loss of assets can be predictedD.The potential growth rate of the portfolio is likely to be fixed【答案】 B8、多路复用技术通常分为时分多路复用、()和波分多路复用。A.村分多路复用B.频分多路复用C.幅分多路复用D.空分多路复用【答案】 B9、针对社会关切,20日提请全国人大常委会会议审议的教育法修正草案拟进一步明确()相关行为的法律责任。A.校园安全B.冒名顶替入学C.校园暴力D.未成年人保护【答案】 B10、下列史书,属于国别体体例的是()。A.左传B.战国策C.史记D.汉书【答案】 B11、材料二:2018年上半年,我国经常账户逆差1801亿元,资本和金融账户顺差4247亿元,其中,非储备性质的金融账户顺差7451亿元,储备资产增加3192亿元。A.货物和服务B.直接投资C.经常转移D.收益【答案】 B12、下列关于数字人民币的说法,不准确的是()A.数字人民币是由中国人民银行发行的数字形式的法定货币B.它的发行要靠行政强制来实现,不是以市场化的方式进行C.数字人民币不会形成对纸钞和硬币的替代,后者将正常使用D.它由指定运营机构参与运营,并向公众兑换,与纸钞和硬币等价【答案】 B13、某企业2019年的总资产周转次数为1次,假设资产由流动资产和固定资产组成;流动资产周转次数为3次,如果一年按360天计算,则该企业固定资产周转天数为()天。A.360B.240C.120D.860【答案】 B14、根据公司法的规定,有限责任公司首次股东大会会议由()召集和主持。A.出资最多的股东B.全体股东一致认可的股东C.公司董事会D.公司监事会【答案】 A15、某公司一台机器使用期满决定报废。该机器原价500000元,己计折旧470000元,已计提减值准备15000元,在清理过程中支付清理费2000元,残料变卖收入20000元,不考虑相关税费,该机器的清理净收益是()。A.18000B.3000C.5000D.10000【答案】 B16、资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warned that one of Britains major economic growth cities is under threat unless the government acts quickly to restore trust post-Brexit.A.The immediate action of the British governmentB.continuation of free labor movements from EU countriesC.An increase in the foreign talents wagesD.New policies that protects foreign talents rights【答案】 C17、资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the worlds leading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Wednesday.A.The prosperity of the leading economiesB.The engine of the world economyC.China,the trail blazer of the world economyD.Global economy improving but lacks self-sustaining upswing【答案】 D18、资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But lve also learned that if you dont have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, theyll simply never get done. And that means you wont make the progress thats really going to move your business forward.A.IncreaseB.PeakC.DiminishD.Disappear【答案】 C19、下列不属于金融市场的作用的是( )。A.融通资金的“媒介器”B.经济发展的“润滑剂”C.加强监管D.资金供求的“调节器”【答案】 C20、下列操作中,不能完全清除文件型计算机病毒的是()。A.删除感染计算机病毒的文件B.将感染计算机病毒的文件更名C.格式化感染计算机病毒的磁盘D.用杀毒软件进行清除【答案】 B21、关于通货膨胀的成因,下列说法不正确的是()。A.失业率居高不下时也可能出现高通货膨胀B.在总需求和总供给相对平衡的条件下,某些结构性因素也可能导致通货膨胀C.货币供给的扩张并非需求拉动型通货膨胀的唯一根源D.货币是导致通货膨胀的唯一重要的因素【答案】 D22、 我国刑罚中最轻的主刑是()。A.拘役B.罚金C.管制D.剥夺政治权利【答案】 C23、目前网络传输介质中传输速率最高的是()。A.双绞线B.同轴电缆C.光缆D.电话线【答案】 C24、北京时间2019年2月10日,中国选手()在起跑出现了失误的情况下跑出了7秒63,夺下了美国Don Kirby邀请赛男子60米栏冠军,并创造了本赛季亚洲男子60米栏的最好成绩。A.谢文骏B.谢震业C.苏炳添D
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