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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,0,Unit 3 My School,Section B What fun things do you do at school?,(1a-2b),学科素养,1.语言能力:,(,1,),能够掌握课时内重要词汇、短语和目标句型;,(2)能够用英语描述学校设计及生活。,2.文化意识:,了解中外教育设施,学校活动的异同。,3.思维品质:,能够通过阅读课文了解学校设施以及学生运用这些设施做的活动,,学会根据语篇判断物品的功能。,4.学习能力:,在完成阅读邮件,从邮件中获取所需信息的过程中,学会回复邮件。,立德树人,培养学生热爱学校;多视角认识世界。,Guessing game,Whats my favourite place in school?,Its the _.,classroom building,Its the _.,sports field,Whats my favourite place in school?,Its the _.,dining hall,Whats my favourite place in school?,My favorite place is because,Where is it?,Its,Whats your favorite place in your school?,List your,favourite places,in your school.Then share with a partner.,1a,classroom,gym,library,office,reading corner,sports field,dinning hall,What fun things do you do at these places?,Tips:,Read more books,Play ball games,Have classes,Eat delicious food,Do more exercise and raise the flag.,Ask the teacher for help or chat with them,Play the piano,Favorite place,why,Its,Where,Its+adj.,What do you think of it?,。,classroom,gym,library,office,reading corner,sports field,List your,favourite places,in your school.Then share with a partner.,1a,Pair work,What fun things?,I spend most of the time in .I can,dinning hall,My favorite place is because,1.What kind of passage is it?,2.What is the passage about?,3.Who writes the email?,4.Whose school is it in the picture?,Look through,the passage and answer these questions.,It is an email.,It is about the writers school.,Peter writes to Flora.,浏览,Prediction,Peters school.,Skim Peters reply to Floras ema,i,l.Choose the question Flora probably asked in her last email.,Skimming,(快速浏览)是一种英文的阅读策略。它通过快速阅读文章的开头、结尾以及各段落的首尾句来把握文章的主题和大意。这种阅读方法可以帮助读者在短时间内获取关键信息,提高阅读效率。,Skimming,的步骤:读标题,读段落开头,读各段首尾句,阅读结尾段落,查看图表、标题和注释,Skim Peters reply to Floras email.Choose the question Flora probably asked in her last email.,A.Whats your new school like?,B.Wheres your new school?,C.How is your new school different from your old one?,Ask and answer,Peters New School,great,beautiful,modern,sports field,teachers building,classroom building,dining hall,Read again.Where are they?,next to the school hall,behind the sports f,i,eld,across from the sports field,Can you draw the locations of these places in Peters school?,Places,Locations,方位介词,Read and match,Peters New School,Read again.What do these words describe?,large,big and clean,delicious,great,beautiful,modern,sports field,teachers building,classroom building,dining hall,Places,Locations,Ideas,形容词,1c,Read,again.What do these words describe?,beautiful,:,modern,:,large,:,big and,clean:,delicious,:,They make delicious,jiaozi,.,Peters new school,buildings,sports field,Peters classroom,jiaozi,1d,Discuss,the questions,.,What do students in Peters school do on the sports field?,Where does Peter sit this week?,Why is the dining hall Peters favourite place at school?,How is Peters school similar to yours?,They do exercises and raise the flag on the sports field.,He sits next to his best friend this week.,Because there are many kinds of food.,Our school is also beautiful./There are also many modern buildings in our school./.,EMAIL,To:flora4ever,From:peterbrown,Hi Flora,Thanks for,your email.To answer your question,my new school is great!Its very beautiful.There are many,modern,buildings.,Theres a large sports field next to the teachers building.All the students go there and,do exercises,together in the morning.Its,amazing,!Every Monday we,raise,the,flag,there.Its a special way,to start the week,.,adj,.,现代的;当代的,do exercises,做体操,adj,.,令人惊奇(惊喜或惊叹)的,v,.,使升高;提高,n,.,旗;旗帜,因,而感谢,动词不定式作后置定语,修饰,way,The classroom building is behind the sports field.We spend,most,of the time in our classroom.Its big and clean.Every week,we,change,seats,.This week I sit next to my best friend,Han Lin.,The dining hall is across from the sports field.Its my favourite place because there are many kinds of food.I love the Chinese food there.They make,delicious,jiaozi,.,How about,your school?,Yours,Peter,Send,How about,怎么样;如何,v,.&,n,.,改变;变化,n,.,座位,adj,.,美味的;可口的,adj,.&,pron,.,大多数;最多;最大,adv,.,最,pron,.,(通常写作,Yours,,用于书信结尾的签名前)你的;您的,v,.,发送;邮寄,v.,讨论,1d,Discuss,the question.,be similar to,与类似,Group work,How,is,Peters school,similar to,yours?,Places in my school,My favourite place,Where is it,Why I like it,What I like to do there,Report:,Hello!Everyone!There are many places in my school,like .My favourite place is because.Its really.I like to there.,Thats all,thank you.,Post-reading,Lets think about these questions!,2a,Think about places in your school.Complete the notes.,sports field,classroom building,dining hall,library.,.,next to,behind,in front of,between.and.,because.(I like reading/Its big and clean.),I like to.(play with my friends there/read books.),Discuss in groups!,Post-reading,Suppose a reporter interviews,(记者采访),you about your school and your opinions on it.Use the words and patterns youve just learned to introduce it.,Hello,!,W,elcome to,my,school,!,My name is,.,ld like to tell you,about my schoo
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