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Unit 6 Useful numbers第4课时 Games at the birthday partyA Letters and sounds本单元的话题定为:Useful numbers。在本话题下,将本单元分为五个课时。本课为课程整合的第4课时,学习内容为:A Letters and sounds。本课时的话题定为:Games at the birthday party。类别单课时文本内容体习本主学文助习本辅学文预设输出语言字母Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz。课题Unit 6 Useful numbers A Letters and sounds课标与教材分析课标分析课程标准要求学生能认读所学词汇;能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令;课程标准要求学生能听懂、会说常见话题所涉及的单词和语句;能听懂简单指令,完成相应动作或角色表演;能看图识词;能在图片的提示下理解单词的意思并能够认读单词。教材分析本课时学习Letters and sounds部分。其中,Letters and sounds又分为Listen, repeat and chant, Listen and circle the first sound, Listen and circle the last sound和Write and say四个子版块。Listen, repeat and chant部分是引导学生听、说、读字母Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz的发音,并让学生听懂、会说这些字母开头或结尾的单词。Listen and circle the first sound, Listen and circle the last sound部分是听单词圈首字母读音和尾字母读音,来巩固练习字母在单词中的发音。Write and say是学习书写本节课所学的五个字母的大小写形式。学情分析通过前五个单元的学习,学生们已经培养了学习英语的兴趣并掌握了部分英语表达,并学会了前21个英文字母的读音和书写,本节课将继续学习字母Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz的发音规律和书写。通过本单元前三个课时的学习,学生们已经学习了110这十个数字的相关英文表达,以及询问别人物品数量和年龄的表达方法,了解奇数和偶数,学会阅读请柬,读取主要信息。本节课将复习巩固本单元所学相关单词与句型。本节课以Games at the birthday party为话题,教学内容与学生生活联系密切,通过各种有趣派对游戏的情境让学生认读单词van, vet, we, win, box, six, yellow, yo-yo, Zip, quiz的发音,同时感知Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz的发音规律,并通过书写教学使学生掌握Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz五个字母的书写。通过一系列的复习操练,进一步巩固本课所学。教学目标1.在看、听、说、认读活动中获取和记忆字母的读音。能听、说、读、写大小写字母Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz。能听、说、认读单词van, vet, we, win, box, six, yellow, yo-yo, Zip, quiz。(学习理解)2.在教师的帮助下能掌握字母Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz在单词中的发音为/v/, /w/, /ks/, /j/, /z/。(学习理解)3.能在四线三格中正确书写新字母的大小写Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz。(学习理解)课题Unit 6 Useful numbers A Letters and sounds4.能够读出含有字母Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz的单词。(应用实践)5.能在学习过程中掌握自然拼读能力,提高观察能力、比较能力和书写能力。6.通过观察,发现生活中与字母外形相似的物品,加深记忆。(迁移创新)完成课时目标所需的核心语言如下:【核心词汇】van, vet, we, win, box, six, yellow, yo-yo, Zip, quiz教学重难点教学重点1.听、说、读、写字母Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz。2.能听、说单词van, vet, we, win, box, six, yellow, yo-yo, Zip, quiz。教学难点1.字母Xx, Yy, Zz在四线三格中的正确书写及笔顺。2.单词van, vet, we, win, box, six, yellow, yo-yo, Zip, quiz的发音。3.让学生区分Vv和Ww两个字母的发音。Vv发音时,要咬唇。Ww发音时,要圆唇。教学准备教师准备多媒体,单词卡片,PPT。评价设计1.能在听音、观看动画的基础上,正确地回答教师提出的问题。2.能够正确听音选字母。3.能够正确听、说、读、写字母Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz。Procedure(教学过程)Teachers activity(教师的教)Students activity(学生的学)Purpose(设计意图)Step 1Warm-up1.Lets sing教师播放歌曲音频,老师和学生一起跟唱字母歌。2.Game复习所学字母,教师在PPT上以动画形式呈现图片,学生迅速说出字母。1.Students sing the song while clapping their hands.学生跟唱歌曲,边唱边拍手。2.Students say the letters quickly.学生快速说出字母。唱歌谣和字母游戏既复习了前面学过的字母,又活跃了课堂气氛。Unit 6 Useful numbersProcedure(教学过程)Teachers activity(教师的教)Students activity(学生的学)Purpose(设计意图)Step2PresentationAt Xinxins birthday party, they are playing many interesting games. Lets play together.1.Game 1:Role-playThey are playing “the vet and pet cat(宠物猫)” game. One is “the vet”. He drives the van. One is “the pet cat”. He is ill. The vet drives his van to help the pet cat.(1)Find and say教师呈现van和vet,引导学生找出共同点。导入字母Vv的学习。T: Look! Whats the first letter of the two words?Ss: Its “v”.T: Great! Now lets listen to the two words carefully. Can you find the similarity between them?Ss: . (Students can answer in Chinese.)T: Yes! The pronunciation of the letter “v” in the two words is the same. It pronounces “/v/”. /v/ /v/, van. /v/ /v/, vet.(2)Lets learn教授新字母Vv,课件展示字母Vv的卡通图片,并呈现字母Vv的大小写形式,引导学生注意区分大小写。1.(1)创设兽医和宠物猫的情境,学生学习单词van和vet,导入学习字母Vv的发音和书写。学生观看图片,并跟读字母,了解字母大小写。(2)学生跟着老师在四线三格中认真、规范地书写字母Vv,特别注意大小写的区别。1.创设情境自然导入新知,一方面可以提高学生的兴趣,同时有助于学生的思考。2.通过各种活动培养学生听、说、读、看的能力,调动学生学习的兴趣,活跃课堂氛围,调动起学生的表达欲望。Procedure(教学过程)Teachers activity(教师的教)Students activity(学生的学)Purpose(设计意图)T: Look! This is letter Vv. Please follow me. Vv, this is letter Vv.Ss: Vv, Vv, Vv, this is letter Vv.(Show how to write letter “Vv”.)Teach students the pronunciation and the writing of the capital letter “V”. Then learn the lower-case letter “v”. Find out the difference between V and v.(3)Play the recording of “Vv” and the pronunciation of itsrelevant phonetic symbol. Letstudents read after the recording.(4)老师带领学生反复练习字母V的发音,学习拼读字母Vv对应的单词,并让学生跟读操练。(课件出示:字母Vv在单词中的发音/v/及单词van, vet的相关内容。)Learn and read the words “van” “vet”. Let students feel(3)通过听、读加深字母发音及单词认读发音。(4)在学完字母Vv发音后导入单词的学习,注意引导学生正确发音。(5)学生尝试总结字母Vv在单词中的发音规则。3.给学生创设真实的语言情境,让学生在情境中学习,接受新知识,感悟新知识,大大降低了教学难度;学生在贴近生活的、富有情趣的氛围下去感受、去表达,真正达到了运用所学语言去交流的目的。4.让学生尝试总结,将课堂的主动权交给学生,让学生在真实的情境中去发现并解决问题。通过教学细节培Unit 6 Useful numbersProcedure(教学过程)Teachers activity(教师的教)Students activity(学生的学)Purpose(设计意图)the pronunciation of the letter “Vv” in different words.vest, vase, voice, view(5)老师教授字母Vv的韵律。T: Where
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