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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,选择性必修三,Unit 1 ART,单元复习,Welcome to our school!,Step 1,Mee,t,the Muse:what inspires us?,Guangxi High School for Nationalities is an_(,influence,)garden-like school.The positive cultural atmosphere of ethnic minorities,set it apart,_other schools and earn a,reputation,.,_(enter)the school,you may notice a wide and tree-lined road leading to some attractive areas.First,you will find the paintings and,sculptures,of minorities,reflecting,primitive beliefs,_ are modelled after some,representative,ethnic mascots such as,bronze,drums._(,Subsequent,),a window display_(,bring,),history to life,with authentic ethnic costumes and,artifacts,like,ceramic vases,.Theyare _(,worth,)ofbeing seen because the works always,convey,a love for life.Just off the green is the statue of Liu Sanjie,emerging,from the Crescent Moon Lake.It is so,realistic,that it gains,recognition,as a must-see in our school.Go ahead,and your eyes will be caught by a collection of posters whose,purpose is,_(,promote,)the national identity of the local minorities.,In particular,our school often holds_(,exhibition,)which are highly thought of by some,contemporaryartists,.These forms of,fine art,offer us,visual,beauty and,permanentlyinfluence,how we view the world.,Our school has worked its way up from,humble,beginnings to an inclusive platform for thousands of minority students to pursue _(they)dreams.Being part of them,we not only would like to see the world but also want the whole world to see the beauty of minorities.And holding an online art exhibition is our first choice!,Step 1,Meet the Muse:what inspires us?,influential,from,Entering,which,Subsequently,brings,worthy,to promote,exhibitions,their,Step 1,Meet the Muse:what inspires us?,Culture,An Online Art Exhibition,Step 1,Meet the Muse:what inspires us?,Step 2,Make it come true,2.1 Prepare,y,our work,2.2 Identify,y,our role,for the exhibition,Step 2,Make it come true,2.1 Prepare,y,our work,what we have done,Step 2,Make it come true,2.1 Prepare,y,our work,what we are going to do,finish your introduction,2.1 Prepare your work,Sunflowers,Aries,January 1889,Vincent Van Gogh(1853-1890)oil on canvas,95 cm73 cm,Van Goghs sunflower paintings,are among,his most famous,and this one,was completed,in Arles in 1889.,It shows,sunflowers in a vase,mostly in,three shades of yellow.,The colours,of the flowers,range from,bright yellows to brownish yellows,showing that,the flowers are at different stages of life.,The sunflower paintings,held special meaning for,Van Gogh.When his friend Paul Gauguin,who was also a famous painter,came to live with him for a while,he hung the first two in his guests room to welcome him.,Introduction,Main body,2.1 Prepare your work,finish your introduction,the name of your work,give basic information,about the artist and the work,describe the work,(content;features:color,shape,pattern,material,function,etc.),give your own comments,(its special thing;inspiration;the story behind it,.),Introduction,Main body,2.2 Identify your role,for the exhibition,An,explainer,Responsibilities,1.,C,ommunicate with others,well,2.A,cquaint visitors with the works,Requirements,1.Good presentation and communication skills,2.Proficient in both English and Chinese cultures,A,d,isplay,d,esigner,A technician,Responsibilities,1.,P,lan and design some materials for display,2.,E,dit,pictures,Requirements,1.,Fond of fine art or display,2.,Strong fashion sense,innovation and detailed-oriented,Responsibilities,1.P,rovide internet service,2.Fix I.T.problems,Requirements,1.Familiar with Internet,2.,Excellent command of,office software,3.,Previous experience,2.2 Identify your role,for the exhibition,I think I am quite equal to the role of.,First of all,I have/am.,thus enabling me to,.,Besides,.,enables me to.without difficulty,.,In addition,with previous experience working as a.,I am capable of.,Abilities/Personalities/,Experience,(,Requirements,),+,Responsibilities,For example:,I think I am quite equal to the role of,the explaner,.Because,I have,good presentation and communication skills,thus enabling me to,c,ommunicate with others,well,.,To:,All our friends and relatives at home and abroad,From:,Class ,Subject:,On October 9,we will go to see“,_,”.,This online exbition is about the wonderful,ethnic,art of Class 2101.Its,highlights,are,_,_,.,We do hope you are able to join us!,Simply,_,.,No,_,.Free,_,.,NEW ONLINE EXHIBITION,“From Classic to Modern:Everlasting Ethic Art”,The wonderful art of Class 2101 on display.,Highlights:,The soft sculptures like,Liu Sanjie,Many fine examples of creative paintings,A collection of cultural and creative products,You will immerse yourself in the cultural atmosphere of ethnic minorities with its amazing collection of works.,Date:,Now until October 15.,Scan the code with phone.,No time or space limit.,Free entry.,Step 3 Spread the news,The advertising leaflet The announcement,Step 3 Spread the news,NEW ONLIN
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