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翻译三级笔译实务模拟59Section 1 English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese.1. Para(江南博哥). 1 Economists have always been fond of Uber. Its willingness to battle incumbents, use of technology to match buyers and sellers, and embrace of surge pricing to balance supply and demand make the ride-hailing giant a dismal scientists dream. Steven Levitt, the author of the bestselling Freakonomics, called it the embodiment of what the economists would like the economy to look like. But if economists subjected Uber and its competitors to a cost-benefit analysis, they might not be so impressed. Para. 2 This might surprise customers. A study by researchers from Oxford University, the University of Chicago and Uber itself found sizeable benefits from ride-hailing services for consumers. Using data from 48m Uber trips taken in four American cities, they estimated the difference between how much customers were willing to pay and their actual fare. Each $1 spent on Uberx rides generated a consumer surplus of $1.60. Across America, that surplus was estimated to be $6.8bn a year. Para. 3 Drivers also benefit. Few sign up for lack of anything else, as is true of some gig work: in America roughly eight in ten have left another job to get behind the wheel. The typical American Uber driver makes $16 per hour ($10 after expenses), higher than the federal minimum wage. In London earnings after expenses come to 11 pounds ($14) per hour and a recent survey found Uber drivers reporting higher levels of life satisfaction on average than other workers. Para. 4 But against these benefits, there are costs to weigh. Far from reducing congestion by encouraging people to give up their cars, as many had hoped, ride-hailing seems to increase it. Bruce Schaller, a transport consultant, estimates that over half of all Uber trips in big American cities would otherwise have been made on foot or by bike, bus, subway or train. Para. 5 A new working paper by researchers from the University of Chicago and Rice University spells out one deadly consequence of this increase in traffic. Using data from the federal transport department, they find that the introduction of ride-sharing to a city is associated with an increase in vehicle-miles travelled, petrol consumption and car registrationsand a 3.5% jump in fatal car accidents. At a national level, this translates into 987 extra deaths a year. Para. 6 What could be done to tip the balance back to benefits overall? Congestion pricing is the most direct solution, says Jonathan Hall of the University of Toronto. Several cities, including London, Stockholm and Singapore, have moved in this direction, charging drivers for entering busy areas at peak hours. If ride-hailing firms tweaked their pricing to encourage carpooling, that would help, too. Para. 7 One of the worst things a city can do, says John Barrios of the University of Chicago, is to cap the number of ride-hailing cars on their streets, as New York did in August. That marked a step back towards the days when barriers to entering the taxi market were high and competition was low. A dismal outcome, as most right-thinking economists would agree. 正确答案:第一段 经济学家钟爱优步(Uber)。它主动与现有企业竞争,利用技术来匹配乘客和司机,并采用,峰时溢价来平衡供需这家网约车巨头满足了本来悲观失望的经济学家们的种种想象。畅销书魔鬼经济学(Freakonomics)的作者史蒂芬列维特(Steven Levitt)将优步称为“经济学家理想经济的集中体现”。但如果经济学家对优步及其竞争对手进行成本效益分析,他们对优步的印象可能就不会这么好了。 第二段 消费者可能会大吃一惊。牛津大学(Oxford University)、芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)和优步的研究人员发现,消费者在叫车服务中获益良多。他们利用美国4个城市4,800万次优步出行数据,估算出顾客愿意支付的价格与实际车费之间的差距,发现乘客每花费1美元乘坐优选轿车(Uberx),就会产生1.6美元的消费者剩余(consumer surplus)。据估计,优步在美国每年产生约68亿美元的消费者剩余。 第三段 司机也同样获益。注册成为优步司机的人不为别的,往往都是为了挣钱,就像去做其他的临时工一样,在美国,80%的优步司机辞去了他们的上一份工作。美国大部分优步司机每小时的收入为16美元(扣除支出后剩10美元),高于联邦最低工资。在伦敦,司机扣除支出后的收入能够达到每小时11英镑(14美元)。最近一项调查发现,优步司机的平均生活满意度高于做其他工作的人。 第四段 但除了这些积极作用,网约车的弊端也需要权衡。叫车服务非但没有像许多人希望的那样,鼓励人们放弃私家车出行从而缓解拥堵,似乎反而加剧了交通堵塞。交通顾问布鲁斯沙勒(Bruce Schaller)估计,在美国大城市,超过一半以上的优步出行本可以被步行、骑行、乘坐公交、搭地铁或火车所替代。 第五段 芝加哥大学与莱斯大学(Rice University)的研究人员共同发表的论文阐述了优步出行比例上升会带来致命后果。他们利用联邦交通部(federal transport department)的数据发现,引入共享汽车服务后,城市车辆行驶里程、汽油消耗量和车辆注册量增加,并且致命事故概率上升3.5%。这个概率放到全国来看,意味着每年多出987人死亡。 第六段 如何扭转局面重新使整体受益呢?多伦多大学(University of Toronto)的乔纳森霍尔(Jonathan Hall)说:“最直接的解决方案是征收交通拥堵费。”包括伦敦、斯德哥尔摩(Stockholm)和新加坡在内的几个城市已经出台相关政策,在上下班高峰时段对驶入繁忙区域的司机收取一定的费用。如果网约车公司调整价格鼓励拼车,那也会有所帮助。 第七段 芝加哥大学的约翰巴里奥斯(John Barrios)表示,一个城市所能采取的最糟糕的措施,就是像纽约在8月份所做的那样,限制街道上网约车的数量。这标志着出租车市场回到门槛高、竞争少的日子。正如大多数明智的经济学家所认同的那样,这一结果令人沮丧。解析 1第一段句a dismal scientists dream意为“悲伤失望的科学家的梦想”。此处dismal scientist源自dismal science(让人感觉沮丧的科学),在西方,经济学被人称为dismal science,因为其经常出现令人沮丧的结论,比如globalization kills manufacturing jobs“全球化使制造业全无容身之地”。本文的语境是,经济学家们视优步为理想的经济模式,优步博得了经济学家们的喜爱。此处make the ride-hailing giant a dismal scientists dream,隐含“优步给经济学家带米希望”的意思,因此a dismal scientists dream可增译为“(满足了)本来悲观失望的经济学家们的种种想象”。 2第二段句consumer surplus为经济学专有名词,意为“消费者剩余”,指消费者愿意支付的最高价格与商品的实际市场价格之间的差额。
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