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翻译三级笔译实务模拟100Section English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese.1. It (江南博哥)is impossible to know what she might have been thinking that March day in 1956 outside the Montgomery County courthouse.1 The prim woman in the photograph, gripping her handbag with white-gloved hands, wore a neat overcoat and an uneasy expression behind her wire-rimmed eyeglasses. Was she about to step to the microphones to speak, or had she just stepped away from them? Was she trying to ignore the television cameras capturing her appearance for all to see? Who was the white man trying to guide her along, or the black man with a seemingly supportive hand lightly touching her back?2 There was no caption information to identify the woman as Rosa Parks in the unpublished image found in a sack of negatives in our archives, and no mention of the men surrounding her outside the courthouse that day. That act of civil defiance by Mrs. Parks, a 42-year-old seamstress heading home at the end of her shift in the tailoring department of the Montgomery Fair department store, helped galvanize3 the yearlong boycott of the citys bus system. It was a bold decision by a strong yet weary womanand a spark that ignited the civil rights movement. At the courthouse that day, though, Mrs. Parks was not the story4. It was the account of Dr. Kings trial for an illegal act of civil disobediencethe boycottthat became the focus of our article, which ran without a photo, on Page 20 on March 22, 1956. The trial was an important moment. It would elevate5 Dr. King, a 27-year-old charismatic preacher from Georgia, to the iconic leader of the movement. But as for the woman at the courthouse entrance that day, our first photograph of Mrs. Parks was a news agency picture of her being fingerprinted after her arrest that ran on the front page. Including that image, her picture appeared in our pages only four times in the first 25 years after her arrest. Eventually, her name and likeness would become a national symbol of courage, and she would be forever known as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.6 In February 2013, on what would have been Mrs. Parks 100th birthday, the United States Postal Service provided its own memorable portrait, issuing a commemorative stamp in her honor. That image shows her at roughly the age she was in the photograph above, but with a look of steely determination. Later that month, Mrs. Parks, who died in 2005 at the age of 92, was immortalized as the first black woman to be honored with a life-size statue in the National Statuary Hall of the Capitol. That sculpture places her on a pedestal, seated as if on a bus, looking straight ahead into the future. This morning, we celebrate7 a seamstress, slight of stature but mighty in courage, President Obama said at the dedication ceremony. Rosa Parks held no elected office. She possessed no fortune; lived her life far from the formal seats of power. And yet today, she takes her rightful place among those whove shaped this nations course. 正确答案:我们已经不可能知道,1956年3月那天,在蒙哥马利县法院外,她在想什么。照片里这个端庄的女子,手戴白手套,紧攥着手提包,身穿一件整洁的大衣,线框眼镜后的神情有些不安。 她是要走向麦克风发表讲话,还是刚刚从麦克风旁边走开?她是要避开那些将她的模样公之于众的摄像机吗?那位引导她的白人男子,还有那位用手轻触她的后背像在表示支持的黑人男子,他们是谁? 这张照片是在我们档案馆的一袋胶片里发现的,之前没有发表过,旁边没有文字说明图片中的女子是罗莎帕克斯,也没有提到那天法庭外簇拥着她的男人们的情况。 那时帕克斯女士42岁,是蒙哥马利市集百货商店剪裁部的女裁缝。那天她在下班回家路上做出的非暴力反抗行为让人们义愤填膺,群起抵制蒙哥马利市公交系统达一年之久。这位坚强而又疲惫的女人所做的勇敢决定,像星星之火,点燃了民权运动的燎原之火。 但是那天在法庭上,新闻关注的对象并不是帕克斯女士。我们于1956年3月22日在第20页发表了一篇没有配照片的文章,关注的焦点是金博士因非暴力反抗的非法行为(即发起抵制运动)而吃官司的前因后果。 那场官司是一个重要的历史事件。27岁的金博士,一位来自佐治亚州的魅力超凡的牧师,因为那场官司一举成为民权运动的精神领袖。 至于那天在法院入口处的帕克斯女士,我们刊登的她的第一张照片是由一家通讯社提供的,登在报纸的头版,照片中的她被警察逮捕,正在采集指纹。包括这张照片在内。在她被逮捕之后的25年里,她的照片在我们的报纸上仅仅出现过四次。 但最终她的名字和形象成为这个国家勇气的象征,而她作为“民权运动之母”的美名也会永垂青史。 2013年2月,在帕克斯女士一百周年诞辰之际,美国邮政以她令人难忘的肖像为基础制作并发行了一枚纪念邮票来向她致敬。邮票上的她与上文照片中的她差不多同样年纪,只不过表情透着坚毅。 随后,还是在2013年2月,她的全尺寸塑像被国会山国家塑像馆收藏,作为永久纪念。2005年逝世、享年92岁的帕克斯女二匕成为第一位获此殊荣的黑人女性。她的塑像位于底座之上,呈坐姿,好像坐在公交车上,目光直视前方,望向未来。 奥巴马总统在落成典礼上说:“今天上午,我们颂扬一位身量矮小但是勇气非凡的女裁缝。罗莎帕克斯从未通过选举担任公职,也没有财产。她的生活与权位相去甚远。然而今天,她跻身于这些曾改变美国进程的伟人之中,实至名归。”解析 1“It is impossible to know.”是一个以it作形式主语、不定式短语为实际主语的句子,翻译时有两种方法:一是像参考译文这样使用不定式的逻辑主语作为译文的主语(原文中know的逻辑主语为“我们”);二是先译出不定式短语,再译前面部分。本句也可以译为:要想知道1956年3月那天在蒙哥马利县法院外她在想什么,已经不太可能了。 2本段最后一句,两个主语the white man和the black man均有后置定语部分,翻译时一般需要将后置的定语调整到前面。由于原文主语部分太长,为了译文的流畅,也为了避免译文头重脚轻的情况,参考译文将其独立出来,处理成汉语中常见的“外位语”,同时使用代词“他们”对其进行指称。 3galvanize在词典中的解释是shock or excite (someone) into taking action(使某人感到震惊或激动,因而采取行动)。在翻译时,应调整措辞,在忠实原文意思的基础上,使译文自然流畅,符合汉语的表达习惯。 4本段第一句的the story,显然不能译成“故事”,“新闻报道”的意思更适合此语境。但是“帕克斯女士不是新闻报道”明显句意不通,还需进一步加工,改为“帕克斯女士不是新闻报道的对象/焦点”就自然多了。 5动词elevate的本义为“提升”,原文的字面意思是“它(那场官司)把金博士提升为精神领袖”,此处elevate其实隐含了因果关系,即金博士因为那场官司而成为精神领袖,应将这种因果关系译出。 6参考译文在本段的开头添加了一个“但”字,原因是本段和上段之间隐含着转折关系。likeness的意思是“肖像,画像”(a portrait or representation)。 7celebrate在这里并不是“庆祝”之意,而是“颂扬,当众赞美”之意。Section Chinese-English TranslationTranslate the fo
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