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翻译三级笔译实务真题汇编二Section English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese.1. China launched an unmanned module(核)on Thursday (containing what will become (江南博哥)living quarters for three crew on a permanent space station) that it plans to complete by the end of 2022. The module, named “Tianhe”, or “Harmony of the Heavens”, which will have a life span of at least 10 years was launched on the Long March 5B, Chinas largest carrier rocket, at 11:23 a.m. (0323 GMT) from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on the southern island of Hainan. Tianhe is one of three main components of what would be Chinas first self-developed space station, rivalling the only other station in service-the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS is backed by the United States. Russia, Europe. Japan and Canada. It has hosted scientists from over a dozen nations but China has been banned from sending any of its astronauts there. Yet, the fate of the ISS, though in orbit for more than two decades, is now uncertain, The project is set to expire in 2024 without funding from its partners. Russia said this month that it would quit the project from 2025. The Tianhe launch was the first of 11 missions which it will take to construct and outfit the space station with everything it needs in order to host its initial crew. Unlike the International Space Station which can hold six comfortably and up to eight if needed, Chinas space station will initially be capable of supporting up to three astronauts at once. That number could change dramatically in the future if China decides to further build out the station, add new modules, and new living areas. In the later missions China will launch two other core modules, four manned spacecraft and four cargo spacecraft. At least 12 astronauts of both genders are training to fly to and live in the station,including veterans of previous fights and newcomers.When completed by late 2022, Tianhe is expected to weigh about 66 tons. After years of successful rocket and commercial satellite launches, China put its first astronaut into space in October 2003. It was only the third country to independently do so after the former Soviet Union and the United States. Since that Shenzhou-5 mission, China has sent other astronauts into orbit, placed crews on the original Tiangong Station and conducted a space walk. The launch of a space lab Tiangong-1 in 2011 and Tiangong-2 in 2016 helped China test the programs space rendezvous and docking capabilities. China plans another mission in 2024 to bring back lunar samples and to land people on the moon and possibly build a scientific base there. No timeline has been proposed for such projects. China aims to become a major space power by 2030. It has ramped its space program with visits to the moon, the launch of an uncrewed probe to Mars and the construction of its own space station. The Chinese space agency has been moving fast in its aim to catch up to the U.S. and Russia in the new space race. 正确答案:中国计划于2022年底建成一个永久性太空站/空间站。周四,中国发射了一个无人核心舱,舱内设有可供空间站内三名航天员使用的生活区/生活控制舱。该核心舱取名“天和”,于上午11时23分(格林尼治标准时间3时23分),由中国最大的运载火箭长征五号B遥二搭载,在海南文昌航天发射场发射升空,其在轨运行寿命至少为10年。 空间站建成后,将成为中国首个自主研发的空间站,可与目前唯一在役的国际空间站(ISS)相媲美,而“天和号”核心舱是中国空间站的三个主要组成部分之一。国际空间站由美国、俄罗斯、欧洲、日本和加拿大等国提供支持。该空间站先后有来自十几个国家的科学家驻留,但却禁止中国派遣任何航天员进入。国际空间站在轨运行已超20年,但其未来命运尚无定论。如果没有(国际)合作伙伴供资,国际空间站将于2024年退役。俄罗斯于本月表示将从2025年起退出国际空间站项目。 为了给首批航天员创造驻留条件,中国需开展11次(航天飞行)任务,建设空间站并配置各种必要设备,而“天和号”核心舱的发射只是第一步。国际空间站可以轻松驻留6名航天员,若有必要最多可驻留8人,但中国空间站初期最多只能同时驻留3名航天员。如果中国决定扩建空间站,增加新的核心舱及生活区/生活舱,那么未来可驻留的航天员数量可能会大大增加。 今后,中国还将发射两个核心舱、四艘载人飞船及四艘货运飞船。目前,至少有12名男女航天员正在接受有关航天飞行并在空间站生活的训练,其中既有新人,也有参加过航天飞行任务的“老人”/采用新老搭配、以老带新的训练模式(备注:官方媒体报道的表达方式)。2022年年底空间站建成时,“天和”核心舱总重将达到66吨左右。在火箭及商业卫星发射方面积累了多年成功经验后,中国终于在2003年10月将首位航天员送入太空,成为继前苏联和美国之后,第三个独立完成这一壮举的国家。 自神舟五号成功发射以来,中国又将多名航天员送入太空,送上自主创建的“天宫号”空间站,并进行了太空行走。2011年“天宫一号”空间实验室及2016年“天宫二号”空间实验室的成功发射测试了中国空间站的交会对接能力。 中国计划在2024年开展另一项任务:带回月球样本,实现载人登月,并可能建立中国月球科研基地,但尚未提出此类登月计划的时间表。中国的目标是到2030年成为太空强国。中国已通过数次登月、发射火星无人探测器及建设自己的空间站等措施,扩展其太空探索计划。中国国家航天局一直雷厉风行,只为在新一轮太空竞赛中赶上美国和俄罗斯。Section Chinese-English TranslationTranslate the following passage into English.1. 当年大别山地区7岁小女孩苏明娟饱含“我想读书”渴求的大眼睛,出现在希望工程的宣传海报上。苏明娟的老家在金寨县,偏僻、交通闭塞,曾是中国最贫穷的地区之一,很多孩子由于交不起学费而辍学。为了让每一个适龄儿童都能接受义务教育,1989年,共青团中央、中国青少年发展基金会(the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and China Youth Development Foundation)发起建立希望工程。这是我国第一个救助贫困地区失学儿童的基金。 1990年初,青基会捐款4万元,加上省、县的配套资金,建起我国第一所希望小学一一金寨县希望小学。这所希望小学的落成,如一粒种子,在大别山深处“破土”。30年来,它见证了孩子们走出大山,走向希望:它改写了许多人的命运,点亮了无数梦想与未来。 这场以“希望”为名的建校行动,30年来一直在继续,越是贫穷的地方,招牌越是闪亮。 希望工程将救助贫困地区失学儿童重返校园作为根本使命,先后发起结对救助和“希望小学”建设,有效解决青少年因贫失学问题。进入新世纪之后,希望工程将资助对象扩大到高中和高校学生,将“救助”模式拓展为“救助发展”模式。 据青基会官网显示,截至2019年9月,全国希望工程累计接受捐款152.29亿元,资助家庭困难学生599.42万名,援建希望小学20195所。希望工程给受助者提供的不仅是物质上的援助,更重要的是面对困境不屈服、不放弃的精神。 正确答案:30 years ago, the poster of Project Hope featured Su Mingjuan, a seven-year-old girl from the Dabie Mounains, with her big, glittering eye
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