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翻译三级笔译实务模拟60Section 1 English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese.1. Para(江南博哥). 1 Stan Lee, born Stanley Lieber, a comic-book writer died on November 12th, 2018, aged 95. Para. 2 Perhaps he wasnt born with superhero powers, like the X-Menor the god Thor, for that matter. Perhaps he didnt acquire them from a radioactive-spider bite (Spider-Man) or from studying the mystic arts (Doctor Strange). All the same, Stan Lee certainly had them! In his autobiography, graphic of course, they dazzled like sun-rays round his head. Waves of energy shook from his shoulders. For he was the man who had thought up those characters. He had brought Marvel Comics back from the dead, and with it the whole industry of comics, so that far from being something cheap and childish, which your parents didnt want you to read, they became grown-up too! And wildly popular! And took over Hollywood, and with it the whole of American pop culture, earning revenues in the billions and billions of dollars! Para. 3 So you would never have suspected anything of Stanley Leiber as he was growing up poor in Manhattan, with his father out of work, living on hot dogs and wandering the streets alone in summer while his friends were away at the camps his parents couldnt afford. But he could feel that inner strength stirring! It came from words. He read and read and read. Adventure tales, Mark Twain, Jules Verne, Zola, Dickens, Shakespeare. He loved the sound of words, the music of vowels and consonants jostling each other. Inside him, he really believed, lay the Great American Novel! Para. 4 Yet he stumbled into comic-book writing instead, at Timely Comics, Marvel as it became. And wallowed in embarrassment! People scorned him for his silly trade. On the literary totem pole in New York Stanley Lieber was the lowest of the low. Yet they did not knoweven he did not know!that as soon as he had signed himself Start Lee on his first bit of text-filler in 1941, hiding himself as he thought, he was putting on his superhero clothes! Once the bright beams of his new ideas had dazzled his boss at Marvel, nothing stopped him! Pulse-pounding characters flowed from him all the time. He could write five books a week. Sales of Marvels titles rose from 18.7m in 1961 to 32m in 1965 until DC Comics, and Superman and Barman, were stunned and reeling! Stan Lees legions of fans and true believers were exhorted to march onwards, shouting his watchword Excelsior! Para. 5 Commercial worries often held back his ideas. He was careless with money, and Marvel gave him no royalties. Even so, he spent too much of his last years in lawsuits over percentages from TV and films. He wasnt poor, of course! Just wanted his powers to be recognized. Para. 6 No wonder he loved to take cameo parts in the hugely grossing films that featured his creations! While they fought to the death in the vicinity he played a FedEx delivery man, or a security guard, or a man watering his lawn, or a passenger reading The Doors of Perception on a city bus. He was the most ordinary person you could imagine! And yet, through his ideas, superheroically immortal. 正确答案:第一段 斯坦李(Stan Lee),原名斯坦利利伯(Stanley Lieber),漫画家,于2018年11月12日逝世,享年95岁。 第二段 也许他并不像X战警(X-Men)或雷神(god Thor)那样天生拥有超能力。他不像蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)被辐射蜘蛛咬了一口,也不像奇异博士(Doctor Strange)通过研习神秘魔法而获得神力。但是斯坦李确实拥有超能力,在他的漫画体自传中,如阳光般的超凡力量在他头顶闪耀,一阵阵能量波从他的肩膀射出。正是他创造出这些超级英雄。他让漫威漫画(Marvel Comics)起死回生,整个漫画行业也因此重新兴起。漫画不再是父母禁止阅读的廉价、幼稚的读物。相反,漫画逐渐崛起,广受欢迎。根据漫画改编的好莱坞电影不胜枚举,赚取了数十亿美金!漫威漫画影响了整个美国的流行文化。 第三段 所以你绝对想不到,斯坦利利伯是在曼哈顿一个贫困家庭长大。父亲失业,他只吃得起热狗。夏天当朋友们都去参加夏令营时,他独自一人在街上游荡,因为他父母负担不起费用。但他能感受到一股力量在心中激荡!这力量来自文字。他手不释卷,读冒险故事、读马克吐温(Mark Twain)、儒勒凡尔纳(Jules Verne)、左拉(Zola)、狄更斯(Dickens)和莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的作品。他迷恋单词的发音,热爱元辅音相互交织碰撞形成的美妙音乐。他坚信,他能创作出伟大的美国小说。 第四段 然而,他却阴差阳错地进入时代漫画(Timely Comics,后更名为漫威漫画)进行漫画创作。他一路跌跌撞撞,受尽鄙视。在纽约文学界,斯坦利利伯的地位微乎其微。然而,人们没有料到,甚至他自己也没有意识到,1941年,当他第一次为漫画填写文本,并署上“斯坦李”这个名字时,他以为他在隐藏身份,实际上他恰恰穿上了超人的外衣!一旦他的奇思妙想得到漫威老板的赏识,就没有什么能阻止他了!他笔下诞生的超级英雄故事总是让人热血沸腾。他一周能写五本漫画。漫威漫画的销量从1961年的1,870万部上升到1965年的3,200万部,这让创造超人(Superman)和蝙蝠侠(Batman)的DC漫画惊得目瞪口呆!斯坦李的大批粉丝和推崇者被激励着向前迈进,高呼他的口号“为了更高的荣誉,奋勇攀登前行!”(Excelsior!)。 第五段 对商业环境的担忧常常限制了他的想法。他花钱大手大脚,而漫威并没有给他版税。即便如此,斯坦利利伯在生命的最后几年里,还是花了很多时间在诉讼上,要求公司支付他一定比例的影视收入。他当然不穷,他只是想让他的能力得到承认。 第六段 难怪斯坦利利伯喜欢在以他创作的角色为特色的卖座电影中客串!当英雄与反派在决一死战时,他在一旁扮演联邦快递员,或保安,或给草坪浇水的人,或是在巴士上阅读知觉之门(“The Doors of Perception”)的乘客。他是最平凡不过的普通人,但他的思想却如超人般不朽。解析 1第二段句for that matter为固定搭配,其作用是used to add a comment on something that you have just said“用来对你刚刚说过的话加评论”。在原文语境中,指的是“在superhero powers这方面”,在这里可以不译。 2第二段句In his autobiography, graphic of course若直译为“在他的自传中,当然自传也是漫画”显得冗余。在翻译时可将原文意思进行整合,译为“漫画体自传”,使译文更为流畅。 3第二段句back from the dead为固定搭配,意思是to reappear or regain popularity after a period of decline. 在一段时间的衰退后重新出现或重新受欢迎。”结合本文语境,此处可译作“起死回生”。 4第四段句stumble into为固定搭配,意思是to become involved in something by chan
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