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翻译三级笔译实务模拟88Section English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese.1. What(江南博哥) Is the Force of Gravity? If you throw a ball up, it will come down again. What makes it come down? The ball comes down because it is pulled or attracted towards the Earth. The Earth exerts a force of attraction on all objects. Objects that are nearer to the Earth are attracted to it with a greater force than those that are further away. This force of attraction is known as the force of gravity. The gravitational force acting on an object at the Earths surface is called the weight of the object. All the heavenly bodies in space like the moon, the planets and the stars also exert an attractive force on objects.1 The bigger and heavier a body is, the greater is its force of gravity. Thus, since the moon is a smaller body than Earth, the force it exerts on an object at its surface is less than that exerted by the Earth on the same object on the Earths surface. In fact, the moons gravitational force is only one-sixth that of the Earth. This means that an object weighing 120 kilograms on Earth will only weigh 20 kilograms on the moon. Therefore on the moon you could lift weights which are six times heavier than the heaviest weight that you can lift on Each.2 The Earths gravitational force or pull3 keeps us and everything else on Earth from floating away to space. To get out into space and travel to the moon or other planets we have to overcome the Earths gravitational pull. Entry into Space How can we overcome the Earths gravitational pull? Scientists have been working on this for a long time. It is only recently that they have been able to build machines powerful enough to get out of the Earths gravitational pull. Such machines are called space rockets. Their great speed and power help them to escape from the Earths gravitational pull and go into space.4 Rockets The powerful space rocket works along the same lines as5 a simple firework rocket. The firework rocket has a cylindrical body and a conical head. The body is packed with gunpowder which is the fuel. It is a mixture of chemicals that will burn rapidly to form hot gases. At the base or foot of the rocket there is an opening or nozzle.6 A fuse hangs out like a tail from the nozzle. A long stick attached along the body serves to direct the rocket before the fuse is lighted. When the gunpowder burns, hot gases rush out of the nozzle. The hot gases continue to rush out as long as the gunpowder burns. When these gases shoot downwards through the nozzle, the rocket is pushed upwards.7 This is called jet propulsion. 正确答案:什么叫重力? 把球向上抛,球会落回来。是什么让球落下来的?球之所以落下来,是因为球受到了地球的吸引。地球对所有物体都施加吸引力。离地球近的物体比离地球远的物体受到的吸引力大。这种吸引力叫重力。物体在地球表面受到的重力,叫作物体的重量。 太空中所有的天体,如月球、行星和恒星,也对物体施加引力。天体越大、越重,其引力就越大。由于月球比地球小,同一物体在月球表面受到的引力比在地球表面受到的引力小。事实上,月球的引力只有地球引力的六分之一。也就是说,地球上重120千克的物体,在月球上重量只有20千克。因此,在月球上你能举起的重量,是你在地球上所能举起的最大重量的六倍。 由于地球引力的存在,我们和地球上的其他物体才不至于飘走,飘到太空中去。要飞出地球,进入太空,到月球或其他行星旅行,必须克服地球的引力。 进入太空 怎么才能克服地球的引力?科学家们对此进行了长期的研究。直到最近,他们才造出了可以摆脱地球引力的大功率机器。这种机器就叫太空火箭。太空火箭飞行速度快、功率大,可以摆脱地球的引力,进入太空。 火箭 大功率太空火箭的工作原理和简单的烟花火箭类似。烟花火箭有圆柱形的箭体和锥形的头部。箭体内装满火药,作为燃料。火药是一种化学品的混合物,能迅速燃烧,形成炽热的气体。 火箭的基部有个开口,即喷口。从喷口伸出一根尾巴似的引信。沿箭体装着一根长棍,用以在引燃引信前调整火箭发射的方向。 火药燃烧时,炽热的气体会从喷口急速排出。只要火药还在燃烧,热气会持续排出。这些气体通过喷口往下喷出,推动火箭向上飞行。此过程叫喷气推进。解析 1根据语境选择释义是英译汉的基本功。本段第一句中的space不宜翻译成“空间”,而应翻译成“太空”;stars不宜译成“星星”,而应译成“恒星”。 2关于本段最后一句,翻译时需要注意:A is six times heavier than B的意思不是“A比B重6倍”,而是“A比B重5倍”或者“A的重量是B的重量的6倍”。如果对原文进行“字字对译”,就会变成:因此,在月球上,你能够举起在地球上你能举起的最重重量六倍重的重量。这种译文非常拗口,不是好的汉语。所以翻译时需要先把原文意思“吃透”了,然后“揉碎”了、理顺了,用汉语习惯的方式重新表达出来。 3gravitational force和gravitational pull在汉语中对应的词语只有一个:引力。此处的or(也称,也叫)原本是为了解释,但由于汉语中并不存在不同的说法,翻译时这种解释也就没有必要,将gravitational force和gravitational pull统一译成“引力”即可。 4本段最后一句的主语是their speed and power,如果保留原文形式,字字对译,翻译成“它们的速度和功率帮助它们”会比较拗口。首先,their和them最好不要对译成“它们的”和“它们”,处理成“太空火箭”更有利于组织译文;其次,由于汉语中无生命的名词作主语的情况比英语中少得多,参考译文将great speed and power处理成了“速度快、功率大”,更符合汉语的表达习惯。 5along the same lines as的意思是“与类似”。翻译中遇到“熟悉的陌生词”,一定要小心求证,勤翻词典,切不可望文生义。 6参考译文对base和foot、opening和nozzle这两组同义词采取了不同的处理方式。由于base和foot的意思非常接近,将其统一处理成“基部”或“底部”即可,没有必要区别翻译;opening和nozzle,由于nozzle有笼统和具体之分,而且nozzle属于技术性术语的范畴,宜区别翻译。 7在翻译本段第三句时,参考译文并没有将when处理成“当/在时”,那样“翻译腔”较重;而在处理后半部分的被动语态the rocket is pushed forward时,则采取了“被动变主动”的策略,使译文非常连贯、自然。副词upwards被翻译成了“向上飞行”,“飞行”一词是出于连贯性的考虑并结合语境所增译的内容。Section Chinese-English TranslationTranslate the following passage into English.1. 我国是世界上少数几个拥有比较完整的核工业体系的国家之一。为推进核能的和平利用,二十世纪七十年代国务院做出了发展核电的决定。1经过三十多年的努力2,我国核电从无到有,得到了很大的发展3。 根据中国核电发展十三五规划研究报告,2030年、2035年,核电布局仍以华东、南方地区为主4,两大区域核电装机合计占全国的比重分别为80%、77.5%5。到2050年,华中地区核电装机迅速提高,容量达到6700万千瓦6,占全国的20%7,居全国第三位。2030年一2050年,华中地区再新增核电运行装机6200万千瓦,是新增装机容量最多的区域8。 正确答案:China is one of the few countries in the world that have a fairly complete nuclear industrial system. In the 1970s, the State Council decided to develop nuclear power to promote the
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