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翻译二级笔译实务分类模拟题34汉译英1. 网络空间是人类共同的活动空间,网络安全攸关各国主权、安全和发展利益。 正确答案:Cyberspace is a common space for human(江南博哥) activities, and cyber-security is, therefore, a key issue which bears on the sovereignty, security and development interests of all countries.2. 金融、电力、通信、交通等领域的关键基础设施是经济社会运行的神经中枢,是网络安全重中之重。 正确答案:As the neural centre of economic and social operation, the critical infrastructures in such areas as finance, electricity, communication, transportation constitute the top priority in cyber security.3. 互联网为全球经济社会发展带来巨大数字机遇和红利,同时也带来前所未有的挑战。 正确答案:The Internet has brought digital opportunities and dividends, but unprecedented challenges as well, in global socio-economic development.4. 中国有近7亿网民,有6万多家信息技术企业,其中阿里巴巴、腾讯等在美上市的中国信息技术企业近50家,总市值近5000亿美元。 正确答案:China, for its part, has 700 million Internet users and 60,000 IT companies, among which 50 have been listed in the US, including big names like Alibaba and Ten cent, with a total market cap of over 500 billion US dollars.5. 目前,旅游业贡献了全球约10%的GDP、30%,的服务出口,是名副其实的第一大产业。 正确答案:Tourism now contributes to about 10 percent of global GDP and some 30 percent of services exports worldwide. It surely stands out as the largest sector in the economic mix.6. 二十国集团应该在促进全球贸易增长方面发挥更大作用,继续反对保护主义,加强多边贸易体制,促进全球价值链深化发展。 正确答案:The G20 should play a bigger role in promoting global trade, continue to reject protectionism, strengthen the multilateral trading regime and deepen the development of the global value chain.7. 杭州峰会将重点从创新增长方式、完善全球经济金融治理、提振国际贸易和投资、促进包容联动式发展等方面共商合议,努力为世界经济发展提供新动能。 正确答案:The Hangzhou Summit will focus its discussions on innovating growth models, improving global economic and financial governance, boosting international trade and investment and promoting inclusive and interconnected development in an effort to provide new drivers for the development of the world economy.8. 在北京中关村和深圳的大街上,创新工场、创客咖啡等年轻人创业的新型孵化器大量涌现。 正确答案:The large number of new incubators for young people to start up businesses, such as Innovation Works and Makers Cafes that have sprung up in the streets of Beijings Zhongguancun and the city of Shenzhen.9. 我们将深入实施创新驱动发展战略,推进大众创业、万众创新,鼓励发展众创、众包、众扶、众筹空间。 正确答案:We will further promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, encourage and develop crowd innovation, crowd sourcing, crowd support and crowd funding.10. 中国将抓住新一轮科技革命和产业革命的时间窗口,加快实施“中国制造2025”、“互联网+”行动计划。 正确答案:The Chinese government will try to make the most of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution. We will accelerate the implementation of made in China 2025 and In tenet + .11.计算机系统的输入1 有人将计算机信息系统比喻成人的中枢神经系统。进而可将输入作为信息系统的一部分,因此,输入设备就可视为计算机系统的感官。 我们的输入感官,如视觉、声觉、触觉、味觉及嗅觉,将信息传输到我们的中枢神经系统,并将信息编码成大脑能够处理的模式。类似地,键盘、磁盘驱动器、扫描仪、传感器、摄像机及麦克风,都是计算机系统接收信息的方式,为了以后的处理,这些信息又被编码。 通常,信息系统由输入数据和信息激活。同样,输入也能够停止处理,就像电灯开关能够开与关一样。所以,输入的主要任务是激活或停止信息处理。 输入是一个过程,它包括用设备将数据编码或转换成计算机能够处理的数字码。例如,如果按下终端或个人计算机上的字母键A,则激活了一个信息处理周期。该键是一个简单的开关,它感受手指的触压,并触发一个完成下列步骤的循环:(1)键盘编码,或转换成机器能识别的代码;(2)将已编码的数据储存在存储介质中以备处理;(3)在计算机的监视屏上显示字母A。 了解输入过程后,将输入分成两大类是很有用的:(1)转录输入通过将源文件的数据转录到另一种能够输入到计算机系统的介质上的方法来获取数据;(2)直接源输入无分离的转录步骤,而直接从输入源获取数据。输入技术的进步,已经可以避免转录输入而直接从输入源获取数据。 正确答案:Computer System Input Someone used the analogy of a human central nervous system and a computerized information system. Further insight can be gained by considering input as part of such an information system: input devices are then viewed as some of the sense organs of a computer system. Our input sense organs for sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell convey information to our central nervous system. Along the way, this information is encoded into a pattern that the brain can process. In an analogous way, keyboards, disk drives, scanners, sensors, cameras, and microphones are some of the ways computer systems receive information that is then encoded for processing. Generally, an information system is activated by the input of data or information. Input can also deactivate processing, just as a light switch can turn off a light as well as turn it on. Thus the primary role of input is to activate or deactivate information processing. Input is a process that involves the use of a device to encode or transform data into digital codes that the computer can process. For example, if you press the letter A on the keyboard of a terminal or personal computer, you activate an information processing cycle. The key is simply as witch that senses a finger touch and triggers a cycle to accomplish the following: (1) the keystroke is encoded, or converted into a machine-readable code, (2) the encoded piece of data is stored in a memory location for later processing, and (3) the letter A is displayed on the computers monitor screen. When learning about the process of input, it is useful to classify input into two broad categories: (1) transcribed input data that are captured by transcribin
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