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湘少版,三年级上册,Unit 3,How old are you?,Parts(F&H),Look and Find,What letters do you see?,Learn to Write,What does letter h sound in the word?,h,at,H,H,H,/h/,/h/,/h/,h,ello,H,H,H,/h/,/h/,/h/,.H is in _.,h,orse,h,ouse,Learn to Write,What does letter i sound in the word?,i,ce cream,I,I,I,/a/,/a/,/a/,I,I,I,/a/,/a/,/a/.,I is in _.,b,i,ke,r,i,ce,k,i,te,Learn to Write,What does letter j sound in the word?,j,uice,J,J,J,/d/,/d/,/d/,J,J,J,/d/,/d/,/d/,.J is in _.,j,ump,j,acket,j,am,Learn to Write,What does letter k sound in the word?,k,ite,K,K,K,/k/,/k/,/k/,K,K,K,/k/,/k/,/k/,.K is in _.,k,ey,k,ing,k,id,Read and Trace,F,Read and Match,Hh,Ii,Jj,Kk,h,at,i,ce cream,j,uice,k,ite,H,Lets Chant,Hh,Ii,Jj,Kk,Let me say.,Hh,I,i,Jj,Kk,Read and sa,y,.,Hh,Ii,Jj,Kk,Learn and pla,y,.,Reading time,T,h,is ch,i,ld,i,s,H,ardy.,Today,i,s a b,i,g,b,i,g day for h,i,m.,Hardy,Hi,s mum br,i,ngs a,j,et.,Hi,s dad br,i,ngs a,ji,gsaw.,jet,jigsaw,Hi,s grandma br,i,ngs a,ki,tten.,Hi,s grandpa br,i,ngs a,ki,te.,kitten,kite,Hi,s s,i,ster br,i,ngs a,h,at.,Hi,s brother br,i,ngs a,h,amburger.,hat,hamburger,Hi,s aunt br,i,ngs a b,ik,e.,Hi,s uncle br,i,ngs an,i,ce cream.,bike,ice cream,L,i,sten!T,h,ey are s,i,ng,i,ng a b,i,rt,h,day song.,Lets say“,H,appy b,i,rt,h,day,H,ardy!”,Summary,/h/,hat,/a/,ice cream,/d/,juice,/k/,kite,Homework,Write letters Hh,Ii,Jj&Kk in the correct order.,Find more words with Hh,Ii,Jj&Kk,.,Read the chant.,
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