Cliquez et modifiez le titre,Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque,Deuxime niveau,Troisime niveau,*,Six Sigma,P,ortal,Training,Stephen Wang,Whats Six Sigma portal?,All announcements and events regarding Six Sigma will be found on the PPL-Process Excellence page located at,my.hpm.saint-,/,and will also be distributed to local site leaders and HR representatives for distribution,All reports on PPL Six Sigma Progress can be generated from the active project lists and reporting functions of the project tracking tool found on the Process Excellence page located at,my.hpm.saint-,/,2,Step 1 Please type,my.hpm.saint-,into your IE,I,nput your account here,(all user have to apply for,U,se account for this system,by first,),Your account password,P,lease choose PPL,(FURON_USA)as your login,server,C,lick this button to login,3,Step 2 Click My communities and then click submenu PPL-Business Excellence,4,Step 3 in this frame you will find all about PPL Six Sigma,T,he index page just show you whats six sigma and you will find 6 top menu,we click“projects“,What is six sigma?Projects History of six sigma about belts communication page six sigma expansion,Zoom in,5,Step 4 We split this page into 4 frames,1,2,3,4,Frame 1:top banner and you,C,an shift to other community,Frame 2:six sigma project,Statistics status.In this frame,You will find how many projects,Under going and how many,Projects are closed already,Frame 3:six sigma report tool,And you can screen out the project,From list that you need,Frame 4:Six sigma projects list and you can click one by one for your reference,6,Step 5 I want to generate my project into six sigma portal,Scroll,down and you will find one button named Create New Project,click it!,7,Step 6 input your project basic information into this Windows,The date the project was added to,the portal or thought of=conception date.,The date the project was added to,the portal or thought of=conception date.,8,Step 7 now you will find your project list in projects list already,The system generated tracking number automatically.Here the new project tracking number,Is 1000230,9,Step 8 click tracking number to add team member,C,lick add member to establish your project team,10,Step 9 upload your completed file into six sigma portal system,Youre able to click all underline doc,To add your own files from each phase,After you finished all file upload,click save,Button,And now,we re finished new project,generated in system,11,History of six sigma menu in portal system,Now we click history button to see what happened,What is six sigma?Projects History of six sigma about belts communication page six sigma expansion,Zoom in,12,The portal system show you the six sigma history,13,About belts menu in six sigma portal system,Now we click about belts button to see what happened,What is six sigma?Projects History of six sigma about belts communication page six sigma expansion,Zoom in,14,T,he about belts button just show you all six sigma roles and responsibilities,15,Communication page in six sigma portal system,Now we click communication page button to see what happened,What is six sigma?Projects History of six sigma about belts communication page six sigma expansion,Zoom in,16,Communication page is six sigma community,S,ix sigma sharing resources,S,ix sigma event in PPL.,S,uch as training,coaching,and so on,17,Six sigma expansion in six sigma portal system,Now we click six sigma expansion button to see what happened,What is six sigma?Projects History of six sigma about belts communication page six sigma expansion,Zoom in,18,Six sigma not only for manufacturing but also for other fields,S,ix sigma in sales and marketing article from portal,19,S,ix sigma expansion recommended article,Six sigma in sales and marketing,To sum it up,various tools available within Six Sigma can be adapted to produce exceptionally good results in a companys Sales and Marketing operations.,1.,sigma expansion recommended article,DFSS(Design for six sigma),Links to information on DFSS:,1.,www.dtic.mil/ndia/2003test/kiemele.pdf,2.,www.asq.org/pub/sixsigma/past/vol4_issue1/ssfmv4i1soderborg.pdf,3.,sigma expansion recommended article,Six sigma in health and safety,Here are the links to the case studies of some of these companies:,www.osha.gov/dcsp/success_stories/ergonomics/dow_casestudy.html,sigma expansion recommended article,TRIZ-,the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving,Developed,in 1946,by Genrich Altshuller,TRIZ is a methodology that uses“innovation”as the tool for problem solving.It is a Russian acronym for,Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch,”,which means the,Theory of inventive problem solving,.“It provides the structure,process,guides,and tools necessary to shortcut your way to a viable innovation”.,www.triz-sigma portal miscellaneous,C,lick my account to customized your six sigma portal,24,Customized your local setting,Y,ou can,C,ustomized your local,S,etting,and Here I wont,e,xplain it one by one.You,Can try it by yourself,2
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