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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求,:,要求考生读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:,1.,理解主旨要义;,2.,理解文中具体信息;,3.,根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义;,4.,做出判读和推理;,5.,理解文章的基本结构,6.,理解作者的意图、观点和态度,。,2019,年,2018,年,2017,年,全国卷,I,1,单词,stumble,1,单词,dominant,2,代词,that,;,短语,the water catcher,全国卷,II,2,代词,I,短语,tug at the heartstrings,1,单词,juicer,2,代词,that,;,句子,the table are turned.,全国卷,III,1,短语,taking on,1,句子,More is more,1,单词,displaced,2017-2019,高考全国卷阅读理解词义猜测题考查一览表,词句猜测题包括:词义猜测、代词指代和句意猜测题。,If you come across/meet with,new words,while,reading,what will you do?,2.Ignore them and continue reading;,1.Look them up in the dictionary;,3.Guess the meanings;,What are the skills of guessing the meanings of new words?,1.,He was performing before a packed home and his technique was,unbelievable,his tone was wonderful and his audience deeply loved him.,unbelievable,means _,难以置信的,Skill,1,_,构词法,(word formation),2.,Exhibition officials said that a person bitten by one of these snakes would need at least 80 ml of an,anti-poison,medicine to be saved.,anti-poison,means _,解毒、抗毒,一、发现规律,总结技巧,1.,合成法:,将两个或两个以上的单词合成在一起构成新词。,warm-hearted,man-made,reading-room,sleepwalk,2.,派生法:,在词根上加,前缀,(prefix),或,后缀,(suffix),构成另一个与原意略有变化或截然相反的词。,前缀:,un,comfortable,mis,understand,im,possible;,后缀:,scient,ist,self,less,use,ful,deci,sion,前后缀:,un,believ,able,un,forgett,able,dis,agree,ment,3.,转化法:,一种词性用作另一种词性。,He is,dogging,behind me.,他在我后面跟着。,We will,back,you up.,我们将支持你。,构词法,(word formation),stethoscope,means _,3.,The modern age of medicine began with the,stethoscope,an instrument for listening to a patients heartbeat and breathing.,听诊器,Skill,2,_,定义、解释,(definition and explanation),4.,The textbook,glossary,is a list of new words and phrases weve learned in the text.,glossary,means _,词汇表,periodical,means _,5.,You can take any of the,periodicals,:,The,World of English,Foreign Language Teaching in School,or English Learning.,期刊,Skill,3,_,标点符号,(punctuation),6.,This year about 2,300,teenagers,(,young people aged from 13,19,),from all over the world will spend about ten months in U.S.homes.,teenager,means _,青少年,7.,The heat of sun warms some ocean water.The surface of the water,evaporates,forming a cloud of warm,wet air that moves upward.,evaporate,means _,蒸发,Skill,4,_,经验、常识,(experience and common-sense),8.,Birds fly with their wings,and they pick up their foods,and then eat them with their,beaks,and they use their,claws,for pulling or holding objects.,beak,means _ and,claw,means _,喙,爪子,assemble,means _,9.,The pupils,assembled,in front of the school hall.They came together to listen to the headmaster announce the result of the sports meeting.,聚集到,Skill,5,_,语境;因果关系,(context and cause-effect),10.,I found I was paying too much attention to the job and thus,sacrificing,my study time.,sacrifice,means _,牺牲;失去,11.,Today young couples who are just starting their household often spend lots of their money on,appliances,for instance,washing-machine,fridge and colour,TV sets.,appliance,means _,家用电器,Skill,6,_,举例,(examples),12.,Many United Nations employees are,polyglot,.,Mr.White,for example,speaks six languages.,polyglot,means _,懂多种语言的,detrimental,means _,有害的,Skill,7,_,13.,Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is,detrimental,to your health.They also regard drinking as harmful.,14.,One night Mrs.Rochester succeeded in setting the house on fire.Mr.Rochester managed to lead the servants to safety and then went back into the burning,mansion,to rescue his wife.,mansion,means _,房子,楼房,同义词、同等关系,(synonyms),15.,Andrew is one of the most,supercilious,men I knew.However,His brother is quite modest.,supercilious,means _,傲慢的,Skill,8,_,对比、反义,(contrast and antonym),16.,John usually wastes a lot of money on such useless things;his wife,however,is very,thrifty,.,thrifty,means _,节俭的,高中英语猜测词义技巧,Summary,1.,构词法,2.,定义、解释,3.,标点符号,4.,经验、常识,5.,语境、因果,6.,举例,8.,对比、反义,7.,同义、同等,一、构词法,1.,As you are receiving my note by E-mail,its wise to remember how easily this wonderful technology can be,misused,sometimes unintentionally(,无意地,),with serious results.,误用,2.,Sanctuaries,are places where it is against the law to hunt birds and animals.,禁猎区,二、定义、解释,二、生词有道,勇于猜测,三、标点符号,3.,Bears are,omnivorous,.They will eat everything,:,other mammals,birds,fruits,plants,nuts,or fish.,杂食性的,四、经验、常识,4.,Its said that Bill Gates is the most,affluent,person in the world.,富有的,五、语境、因果,5.,Although the fisherman was wearing,souwester,the storm was so heavy that he was wet through.,防雨衣,六、举例,6.,Children like such,beasts,as dogs and monkeys.,动物,七、同义、同等,7.,E-commerce,or business done on the Internet,is becoming more and more popular as people discover the advantage of online shopping.,电子商务,八、对比、反义,8.,American businessmen expect employees to be,punctual,.They do not expect that the workers will come late.,准时,不迟到,三、熟词新义,重在理解,1.,Though years have now passed,I still wonder where my,rainbow,has gone.I wonder if,maybe when I get older,I can find my,rainbow,and never have to brush it away.I guess we all need s
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